Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm a bad blogger....

How long has it been since I posted? Not since April...oh well, who's counting?!

Last time I posted Carson had just had surgery on his ears. I'm happy to report that since then we have been to the doctor twice, once for a check up and once for his 6 month shots! I'm was used to making at least one trip a week to the doctor due to Carson being sick! The surgery was such a relief to us emotionally, physically, and financially!

So....Carson is 7 months old now....he has the best personality! He laughs at everything and has the sweetest smile!

  • He still has no teeth, and we have been thinking for the past two or three months that one is going to pop up any day.

  • He eats anything! We have yet to find a baby food that he wouldn't eat. This weekend I'm going to the Farmer's Market to buy some fresh fruits and veggies to make homemade baby food.
  • He is going to start crawling any day now. He can scoot backwards, but he hasn't figure out how to propel himself forward.

  • He LOVES animals! ANY animals! He laughs and smiles at Cami and Lucy, and he pets them if they come close enough. Well, it's more like grabs a hand full of hair and pulls, but they don't seem to mind. I'm so glad he's an animal lover!
  • Oh, another perk of his surgery, he is now well enough to sleep in his crib. Up until the surgery and for about two weeks after he slept in his swing in our bedroom. A friend at work let me borrow her video monitor, so I can see him in his crib. He usually sleeps from about 6:30 pm to between 4 and 6:30 am. He is a wiggle worm, and goes from one end of the crib to the other during the night. He also takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, and he cannot go to sleep without his lovie bear. Well, I call it his lovie's actually a monkey, but he has a bear one in the living room, and a froggie one at daycare....either way they are all called "Lovie Bear."
  • When we went for his 6 month check up he weighed 18 lbs and was 27 inches long. At birth he was 8 lbs 12 oz, and 21 3/4 inches long. He has really grown! He wears 6-9 month clothing and size 3 diapers. He is weight is perfectly in range for his age, but he is really tall, which makes people think he is older. Oh, and if you really want to get on my him fat, because he ISN'T! I have to bite my tongue when someone says he is "big!" Hello....I'm 5'8 and Britt is 6'4...he isn't going to be little, but he certainly isn't fat. He wears clothes for his age, and just recently really started gaining weight. For two or three months three he wasn't gaining, because he was so sick. Whenever someone says something about his size...I just think to are going to wish your kid was big when my kid knocks your shrimpy kid over on the football field!

Overall, Carson is a very happy baby, and he usually only crys if he is sleepy or hungry....who wouldn't?!?!?

Carson and "Lovie Bear"

Why do they have to grow up so fast?!?!? Life goes by much quicker when you are on the parent side of the fence!