Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Geaux Tigers!
Carson Michael
Monday, November 2, 2009
A little update...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Baby Shower & Nursery
Cami wanted to be in a pic.... Do you see her?
My doctor's appointment on Monday went ok. My blood pressure was high, but it went down some after they had me lay down. I did have an ultrasound, and the ultrasound tech was the worst ever! I will never let that woman give me an ultrasound again! She kept hitting my stomach with the little wand trying to get him to move, and it hurt really bad. I was there by myself, and it was SO awful! My next appointment is tomorrow at 2:30, and Britt is coming with me! Cross your fingers it goes well, because I do not want to be on hospital bedrest! I'll be 35 weeks on Friday, so I need to be pregnant for at least 2 more weeks to be "full term." Wow...that's crazy to think I'm going to have a baby in two or three weeks!
Also, the painting above the crib was done by my mother in law. She does take custom orders if you are interested, and she also paints fleur de lis. Of course, it will cost you! It's free for me! =)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Labor and Delivery Visit #2
Next, my doctor's nurse took my blood pressure, and it was 130/90, so I knew things weren't looking too promising. My doctor came in and had me lay on my left side to see if my blood pressure would go down. When they took it again it was 140/75...still not good. I'm also dialated 2 cm, and my doctor said we are just trying to make it to 37 weeks at this point. She said if I have him too early I can have him at WK South instead of Pierremont, since Pierremont doesn't have a NICU. Anyways, my doctor decided to admit me to Labor and Delivery again to monitor the baby and have some more tests run. If my tests didn't come back good, she said I would be on hospital bedrest.
The testing part was awful. The person who took my blood had to stick me twice, and they ended up having to take it out of my hand. If you know me, you know my biggest fear in life is needles! Thank goodness Britt was there to hold my hand! After that I sent him to get me some Cane's! I was also dehydrated, which was making me have some pretty big contractions, so they made me drink a ton of water! I drank two big glasses before I went to the doctor and apple juice, so I don't know how I was dehydrated. Anyways, thank goodness my tests came back good, and they let me come home!
My shower is tomorrow, so I'm excited about that! My next doctor's appointment is at 10:45 on Monday. Maybe it will go good....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Another exciting day at the doctor...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I really didn't think this was going to happen...
Anyways, on to the good stuff, or the bad stuff, however you want to look at it...
Whenever the nurse took my blood pressure it was 140/73, which is high for me. My blood pressure is usually in the 120's/60's. She also noted that my feet are super swollen! They are actually so swollen that I can only wear flip flops, so I'm not the most fashionable person these days! Anyways, I didn't think anything would come of my high blood pressure, so I just sat there scanning over my list of questions while I was waiting for the doctor. Most of my questions became obsolete once she delivered the news. I had planned on talking to her about my "birth plans," which included getting an epidural (a given with a csection), having Britt cut the umbilical cord (not allowed during csections), and I was going to ask her what to do about my swelling and pain while working (not necessary anymore). She took my blood pressure for a second time, and she said it was still high. She asked me what kind of work I did, and I told her I teach 10th grade and that my blood pressure is probably high due to work, which has been extremely stressful over the past couple of weeks (I won't get into that).
Long story short, or not so short, she put me on bedrest until I have Carson. I asked her exactly what she meant by bedrest, and she said I can only shower, go to the bathroom, and come to her office. I now have to visit her office TWICE a WEEK...Mondays and Thursdays. This coming Monday I will be having what is called a Non Stress Test to make sure Carson is ok and make sure my placenta is still doing what it is supposed to do. Then on Thursday I believe she said I will be having another ultrasound.
I will be going to my baby shower next weekend! I wouldn't miss that for anything! Bedrest is somewhat of a relief for me, because I have been under an immense amount of stress, and honestly my body aches pretty badly. I feel like someone beat me up! It also brings some new stress though. For one thing, I have to call my boss tomorrow and break the news. I'm sure they will be thrilled. (That's me being sarcastic!) I also have to spend the weekend making lesson plans for my sub, and I have to go up to school and get my personal belongings since I will be gone from there until at least mid-January. I thought I had weeks left to prepare!!! I'm also the kind of person that has a really hard time sitting at home. If I'm here for more than about a day, I get stir crazy! I also feel guilty for leaving my students. I didn't get to say goodbye! Believe it or not, you do get attached to some of them! Oh, and speaking of weeks, I did ask my doctor if I should plan on him being here early, and she said it is a possibility. The problem with high blood pressure is that I might be in the early stages of pre-eclampsia, and she said the only cure for that is delivering the baby, which is the whole reason I'm on bedrest...to keep my blood pressure down and to keep him in there as long as we can. He needs to stay in there 6-7 more weeks!
I guess I'll update on Monday after my appointment. I promise I won't write so much next time!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday's Appointment
My next appointment is on October 16 at 8am, and it will include another ultrasound to see how much the baby has grown. I hope since my appointment is at 8 that my doctor will still be in the office, and maybe she won't be so rushed since I will be her first appointment that day.
On September 26, we took our hospital tour. Now we know where everything is. Labor and Delivery is on the 3rd floor, and then after I have him, we will be moved to the 6th floor. We also preregistered, so we don't have to stop and do any paperwork when I go to the hospital to have him. We also met with the pediatrician on Monday the 28th, and him and his staff seemed really nice, so we are definitely going to use him.
I don't have any pictures to post this time. I'm still looking at my ultrasound pictures everyday. I can't believe how much he looks like Britt! I finally got curtains for the nursery. I got them from Target for 7.99 a panel. What a deal! Pam had to hem them up, and Britt hung a new curtain rod. They look great! My shower is in 3 weeks, so after that I will really be able to finish everything up!
I'm 31 weeks now, and only 62 days until my due date!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
29 Weeks...

Nothing really exciting to report. I still have another week until my ultrasound. Oh, and on the same day I'm getting my ultrasound, I'm meeting with the potential pediatrician, Dr. Latiolais. A friend recommended him, he's open on weekends, and he's not as old as dirt like most of the other good pediatricians around here, so he seems like a good match for me!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Doctor's Appointment
I got the cutest Stephen Joseph backpack at the craft show! I got it monogrammed, of course! Mom got him a bib and burp cloth, but I can't have it until my shower...and it's monogrammed, too!
I also ordered two really cute Christmas onesies the other day. I've been looking for Christmas clothes for him for a while now, and I finally found some 0-3 month onesies. Most of the Christmas stuff I've previously found online only comes in 6 months and up. Now I'm on the hunt for a stocking for him!
I think that was all I was going to say...I've been extremely forgetful lately! I can't believe in just 11 short weeks that we will get to meet Carson!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
28 weeks
Yesterday the stroller/carseat/base set came in! Yay! (Thanks mom!) She got it shipped to our house, and Britt had it put together before I got home from work. I LOVE IT! We also went to Target last night and bought a crib mattress. I just need to get some curtains now, but I didn't feel well enough to look while we were at Target last night. Now, I'll just be waiting for my shower in October to finish up everything. At least we have the big stuff...furniture, bedding, car seat, and stroller.
After MUCH debate we finally decided on a name last night......
Monday, September 7, 2009
Narrowing it down....
So I decided to start a blog.....
As for the pregnancy, I am now 27 weeks, which means we only have 13 weeks to go! My PUPPPS seems to be under control, and I pray everyday that it doesn't return. I passed the 3 hour glucose test last weekend to see if I had Gestational Diabetes, and amazingly that is one pregnancy ailment that I do not have. I'm starting to have what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions, and if they are any indicator of what the real thing will be like, I will be requesting an epidural as soon as I get to the hospital!
He still doesn't have a name, but we have four names sitting on the table. He will be Carson, Hudson, Landon, or Cole. All I know for certain is that his middle name will be Michael (after Britt). I hope to pick something by the end of the week, because my mom and I are going to the craft show on Sunday. I'm majorly into monogramming, and I'm dying to get stuff monogrammed.
I go to the doctor every two weeks now, and my next appointment is on September 15. Although we are really looking forward to our appointment on September 28 when we will get to see him via 4D ultrasound. We can't wait to see what he looks like! Our last ultrasound was at 22 weeks and looked like this....

Oh, and this is the bedding for those of you who haven't seen it....