I had my 4D ultrasound today. It was really cool! He looks just like Britt did when he was a baby. We found out that he is measuring at 34 weeks....I'm only 30 weeks! We would have gotten way better pictures if I would have had this ultrasound a few weeks ago, because it does best when the baby is at 30 week size. Since he is so big, he is kinda squished in there now. The ultrasound tech said he already weighs about 5 lbs. I'm not sure what this means as far as when I will deliver. I go back on Thursday for my doctor's appointment, and I will talk to her then. The ultrasound tech said it's highly unlikely that I will be having a December baby. If we waited until December, he will about 10 lbs...yikes! I'll update you on Thursday.

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