Since the baby is coming soon, I thought a blog would be a good way to keep friends and family updated on everything...especially when it comes to pictures, which I'm sure will be abundant once our little boy gets here.
As for the pregnancy, I am now 27 weeks, which means we only have 13 weeks to go! My PUPPPS seems to be under control, and I pray everyday that it doesn't return. I passed the 3 hour glucose test last weekend to see if I had Gestational Diabetes, and amazingly that is one pregnancy ailment that I do not have. I'm starting to have what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions, and if they are any indicator of what the real thing will be like, I will be requesting an epidural as soon as I get to the hospital!
He still doesn't have a name, but we have four names sitting on the table. He will be Carson, Hudson, Landon, or Cole. All I know for certain is that his middle name will be Michael (after Britt). I hope to pick something by the end of the week, because my mom and I are going to the craft show on Sunday. I'm majorly into monogramming, and I'm dying to get stuff monogrammed.
I go to the doctor every two weeks now, and my next appointment is on September 15. Although we are really looking forward to our appointment on September 28 when we will get to see him via 4D ultrasound. We can't wait to see what he looks like! Our last ultrasound was at 22 weeks and looked like this....

Oh, and this is the bedding for those of you who haven't seen it....