Friday, October 23, 2009

Labor and Delivery Visit #2

I had an ultrasound to start my appointment yesterday. They were checking to make sure I had enough amniotic fluid. It was actually really neat, because the ultrasound tech turned the 4d on, and we saw Carson grabbing his foot with his hands. It was really neat! That was about the only good thing about my appointment....oh, and I weighed 3 pounds less than I was on Monday. That's always good!

Next, my doctor's nurse took my blood pressure, and it was 130/90, so I knew things weren't looking too promising. My doctor came in and had me lay on my left side to see if my blood pressure would go down. When they took it again it was 140/75...still not good. I'm also dialated 2 cm, and my doctor said we are just trying to make it to 37 weeks at this point. She said if I have him too early I can have him at WK South instead of Pierremont, since Pierremont doesn't have a NICU. Anyways, my doctor decided to admit me to Labor and Delivery again to monitor the baby and have some more tests run. If my tests didn't come back good, she said I would be on hospital bedrest.

The testing part was awful. The person who took my blood had to stick me twice, and they ended up having to take it out of my hand. If you know me, you know my biggest fear in life is needles! Thank goodness Britt was there to hold my hand! After that I sent him to get me some Cane's! I was also dehydrated, which was making me have some pretty big contractions, so they made me drink a ton of water! I drank two big glasses before I went to the doctor and apple juice, so I don't know how I was dehydrated. Anyways, thank goodness my tests came back good, and they let me come home!

My shower is tomorrow, so I'm excited about that! My next doctor's appointment is at 10:45 on Monday. Maybe it will go good....

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